Stacey Rey accepts principal position at Beaverlodge Elementary Ms. Stacey Rey, who is currently Acting Principal of Beaverlodge Elementary School (BES), has accepted the permanent position, starting this fall.
Athletes represent PWPSD at Basketball Provincial Championships Athletes from PWA and SSS will represent their schools at the 2025 Basketball Provincial Championships.
Alberta Health Services' Letter Regarding Measles Alberta Health Services has requested we share the attached letter regarding measles in Alberta.
Penson students host teddy bear drive for GPRH Penson School’s Student Council has lots to celebrate as it wraps up its third teddy bear drive for the Grande Prairie Regional Hospital.
Wembley Elementary School welcomes new principal for 2025-2026 Wembley Elementary School will welcome Mrs. Theresa Simmonds as temporary principal for the 2025-2026 school year.
Peace Wapiti Enterprise Centre welcomes international guest Dr. Okabe Dr. Okabe says by studying the initiatives at PWEC, he hopes to gain insights that could contribute to high school education reform in Japan.