School Councils
2025 Parent Information Night
PWPSD Parent Information Nights
Through school councils, Albertans have the opportunity to advise the principal and the school board respecting any matter relating to the school. Aside from regular meetings at their schools, parents and School Council members are invited to participate in annual Parent Information Nights.
Past Joint School Council Meeting Agendas and Minutes
- Tuesday, March 26, 2024: Agenda and Meeting Minutes
- Wednesday, April 19, 2023: Agenda and Meeting Minutes with attachments
- Wednesday, April 06, 2022: Agenda and Meeting Minutes with attachments
- Tuesday, March 30, 2021: Agenda, Meeting Minutes and Thought Exchange Summary
- Tuesday, April 02, 2019: Agenda and Meeting Minutes
- Tuesday, April 10, 2018: Agenda and Meeting Minutes
- Tuesday, October 24, 2017: Agenda and Meeting Minutes
- Tuesday, March 28, 2017: Agenda and Meeting Minutes
- Tuesday, October 25, 2016: Agenda and Meeting Minutes with attachments
- Tuesday, April 12, 2016: Agenda and Meeting Minutes
- Tuesday, October 27, 2015: Agenda and Meeting Minutes
- Tuesday, March 24, 2015: Agenda and Meeting Minutes
School Council History
School councils were established in 1995, to increase parent and community involvement in the education of children in Alberta. Public schools, including charter schools, are required to attempt to establish school councils.
Council Membership
Each school council must include the following members: school principal, teacher(s), parents of students enrolled in the school, student(s) (high schools only).
Parents must form the majority of members. Individual school councils may also decide to include as members one or more persons who are not parents of students enrolled in the school and/or one or more persons who are parents of children enrolled in an Early Childhood Services program at the school.
The School Councils' Regulation
The School Councils Regulation provide clarity and flexibility for establishing school councils to accommodate local circumstances. It reflects what happens in existing school councils and identifies opportunities for involving parents in meaningful activities that relate to school. In addition, Section 13 of the School Councils' Regulation identifies the responsibilities of school boards in relation to school councils.