M.D. of Greenview grant helps fund Community School Liaison Counsellor service at Ridgevalley, Grovedale schools

Grande Prairie, AB – A $45,000 grant from the M.D. of Greenview will offset the cost of providing Community School Liaison Counsellor service at Ridgevalley School and Penson School during the 2020-21 school year. 

Andrea Rosenberger (right) and Emily Kostiuk (below), Community School Liaison Counsellors with Peace Wapiti Public School Division (PWPSD), will deliver ongoing support for students’ social and emotional well-being at Ridgevalley School and Penson School respectively, through collaboration with school staff, one-on-one counselling with students, and referrals to external community supports where needed.

PWPSD, Ridgevalley School and Penson School express sincere thanks to the M.D. of Greenview for this important contribution to student well-being, and for their overall continued support of students and the community.

Photos: A $45,000 grant from the M.D. of Greenview will offset the cost of providing Community School Liaison Counsellor service at two schools within Peace Wapiti Public School Division, delivered by Andrea Rosenberger at Ridgevalley School and Emily Kostiuk at Penson School in Grovedale.

