February 24 is Pink Shirt Day – Lift Each Other Up

"Lift Each Other Up" is the theme of Pink Shirt Day 2021. The message encourages us to look beyond our differences, on Pink Shirt Day and every day, and instead focus on celebrating the things that make us unique.

The Pink Shirt Day website says, “Our focus is working together and treating others with dignity and respect. The COVID-19 pandemic has affected us all and shown the importance of helping one another and advocating for those who need it.”

Students, if you are being bullied, or if it’s happening to someone you know and care about, you can talk to your teacher or school counsellor to receive help. If you are being a bully to others, you can also reach out to your teacher or school counsellor today to begin the process of changing your behaviour.

Together, let’s take a stand against bullying. Show kindness, empathy and compassion. Let’s speak out and lift each other up!

