Woking School Status Report presented to Board
 Superintendent Bob Stewart confirmed in his report to Trustees during the Board meeting on March 25, 2021 that the Woking School Status Report had been mailed to parents/guardians, school staff, community members and municipal offices during the week of February 22. In the accompanying letter, the key stakeholder groups were invited to provide feedback via an online Thought Exchange platform and/or a dedicated email address that was set up to provide a means to arrange telephone conversations with members of PWPSD's Senior Administration team. The same information was shared on the PWPSD and Woking School websites. Posters displayed in high traffic areas within the school and community of Woking included a QR code and link to access the Thought Exchange, along with information about the dedicated email address. Mr. Stewart's report included feedback gathered from the Thought Exchange, emails, telephone calls, and a letter from the Saddle Hills County Council. In his closing statements, Mr. Stewart said he stands by his initial recommendation to close Woking School at the end of the current 2020-21 school year, and encouraged the Board to make a timely decision that will enable families to consider their options. The Board received the report as information and gave a Notion of Motion for the next Board meeting on April 29 that the Board permanently close Woking School at the end of the current 2020-21 school year. The Notion of Motion includes that Kindergarten to Grade 8 students from Woking School who live east of Highway 2 be transferred to Rycroft School, and that all other students be transferred to Spirit River Regional Academy. Any family with children currently attending Woking School, who are directed to Rycroft School, will be granted a one-time permanent opportunity for cross-boundary transportation to Spirit River Regional Academy for any of their children. Families must submit a written request for cross-boundary transportation to PWPSD's Deputy Superintendent by September 17, 2021. Those wishing to present on the recommended school closure should contact PWPSD Corporate Secretary JoAnn Vanstone at (780) 532-8133 or [email protected] to secure one of five available 10-minute segments that the Board will provide as part of the April meeting agenda.
PWPSD Capital Plan submission to Alberta Education postponed
At the recommendation of PWPSD Administration, the Board voted to postpone submission of PWPSD's 2022-25 Three-Year Capital Plan to Alberta Education until a follow-up meeting can be scheduled for no later than April 29, to allow sufficient time for talks to continue with municipal partners around land availability.
Board seeking ministerial approval for staggered entry dates, student orientation sessions in 2021-22
The Board will write a letter to the Minister requesting that school boards be permitted to continue to make COVID-19 modifications to the upcoming 2021-22 school year start-up.
The request will seek permission for schools to offer staggered student entry dates by grade, and host student orientation sessions and programming meetings that were not possible during the spring of 2021 due to COVID-19 public health guidance and cohorting requirements.
Westlake Village busing pilot extended indefinitely
The Board voted to indefinitely extend the Westlake Village student transportation pilot program that began in the 2018-19 school year with the opening of Whispering Ridge Community School. The parameters for the program remain unchanged:
- Kindergarten - Grade 3 students are transported free of charge.
- Grades 4-6 students: $320 annually.*
- Grades 7-12 students: $320 annually.*
- Pick-ups occur at approximately every 500 meters.
- Access continues to be based on availability of seats, with priority given to the youngest students.
* Annual fees are per child, to a maximum of three children per household, and are due in full at the start of the school year. Payment is coordinated though Whispering Ridge Community School.
HARRY BALFOUR SCHOOL CONSTRUCTION UPDATE: Board approves funding for additional washroom space
ANNUAL REPORT: Indigenous Education Services
Students and staff at PWPSD schools welcomed Goota Desmarais (on screen) during her virtual Inuit Connections presentations in February, part of the annual PWPSD Indigenous Speaker Series.
Despite the challenges presented by the pandemic, Indigenous Education Services (IES) at PWPSD continues to provide support and learning opportunities to Indigenous students, all students and staff.
In her annual report to the Board, Indigenous Education Coordinator Brigitte Benning credited the passion and creative problem-solving of everyone involved to create an inspiring year worth celebrating.
The shift to virtual formats ensured continuation of the Indigenous Speaker Series that provides PWPSD students with access to Indigenous role models, presenters and Knowledge Keepers.
The pandemic has also brought about innovative learning supports for students participating in at-home learning from Horse Lake First Nation and Hythe Regional School; slideshows and presentations around national event celebrations; and divisional resources for educators and support staff.
The shift to virtual formats is also supporting new and continued partnerships with the Grande Prairie Aboriginal Circle of Services, GPRC Indigenization Committee, NRLC North Zone FNMI Advisory Committee, and the University of Calgary's Werklund School of Education.
The newly launched Indigenous Education Services Grant offered schools an opportunity to apply for additional funding to support a one-time Indigenization project. This year's approved project proposals include a mural at Beaverlodge Regional High School's Link Centre; a Tipi installation at Hythe Regional School; and implementation of the Courageous Classrooms: Skills of the Week program at Beaverlodge Elementary School.
Recipients of the second annual PWPSD Indigenous Student Awards will be announced in the coming weeks.
Ms. Benning also outlined the transitional plan for IES in the upcoming 2021-22 school year, in response to the higher and varied level of support required for Indigenous students, all students and staff. The new framework will see three full-time staff working as a team to provide service to the division – Ms. Benning in her ongoing role as Indigenous Education Coordinator, supported by two new Indigenous Services Providers specializing in Indigenous education and wellness. The new framework will also see continuation of the four full-time Indigenous Liaison roles currently in place at Hythe Regional School and Beaverlodge Regional High School. During the transitional 2021-22 school year, the IES team will receive additional support from an educator.
Ms. Benning says the IES team will provide leadership to the division that supports the positive experiences and success of Indigenous students, while advancing truth and reconciliation in education for all students and staff. The team will create learning opportunities for all students, collaborate with staff in a leadership capacity, foster and strengthen community relationships, and continue successful programs such as the Indigenous Speaker Series, while introducing new initiatives.
ANNUAL REPORT: Facilities and Infrastructure Maintenance Renewal
Phase 2 of the library upgrade at Bonanza School was among the list of projects completed by Facilities and Maintenance staff during the summer and fall of 2020.
In the summer and fall of 2020, the PWPSD Facilities Department oversaw general maintenance and repairs at all schools and offices, including screening and varnishing gym floors; summer cleaning and carpet steaming; fire alarm testing and verification; fire extinguisher inspection and maintenance; emergency and exit lighting testing; and verification, servicing and cleaning of Change Air units, air conditioning units, shop dust collectors, and boiler systems. Staff completed scheduled inspections of roofing, playground equipment and stair/chair lifts and elevators; and quarterly replacement of HVAC filters. Daily hard surface disinfection has been ongoing during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Additional projects were completed, as needed:
- Beaverlodge Elementary School: Office upgrade, sections of roofing replaced.
- Beaverlodge Regional High School: Upgrades to the canteen and south wing washrooms, sections of roofing replaced, school interior painted.
- Bezanson School: Upgrades to sensory and staff rooms, and modular controls.
- Bonanza School: Completed Phase 2 of the library upgrade.
- Clairmont Community School: Upgraded modular controls and gym lighting to LED, replaced boiler pump, installed a concrete ramp.
- Eaglesham School: Hazardous tree removal, replaced all sidewalks around the school.
- Elmworth School: Upgrades to a classroom and library, roofing section replaced.
- Elmworth, Harry Balfour, Hythe Regional, LaGlace, Peace Wapiti Academy, and Teepee Creek Schools: Cleaned all duct work.
- Helen E. Taylor School: Replaced the fire alarm panel and devices, section of roofing, and all hallway flooring.
- Hythe Regional School: Upgraded reverse osmosis drinking water system.
- LaGlace School: Repaired/re-poured basement cement, installed sump pump pit, upgraded music storage room.
- Peace Wapiti Academy: Replaced art room ceiling and sections of roofing, modular controls upgrade, converted old canteen to a barrier-free change room, built an exterior barrier-free ramp, installed barriers in the student parking lot.
- Penson School: Replaced sections of roofing, sewer pump and staff parking power rail; repaired exterior parging; paved main and staff parking lots.
- Ridgevalley School: Replaced all sidewalks around the school.
- Rycroft School: Upgraded a classroom, replaced classroom countertops and sections of roofing.
- Savanna School: Painted school interior.
- Savanna Teacherage: Minor maintenance and repairs.
- Robert W. Zahara Public School: Upgraded modular controls, regraded north portion of the football field and created a drainage swale.
- Sexsmith Daycare: Refinished floors; tested/inspected and verified fire alarm systems, fire extinguishers, and exit and emergency lights; replaced fire alarm panel and devices.
- Sexsmith Secondary School: Refinished gym floor and applied game lines and logo; replaced gym storage room flooring, sections of roofing, 250' of water line, and the concrete entrance pad; painted school interior.
- Spirit River Regional Academy: Upgraded boiler pumps, canteen fire suppression system, main foyer lighting to LED, and building management controls; replaced a roofing section; painted school interior; added southwest entrance/exit sidewalk.
- Wembley Elementary School: Upgraded gym lighting to LED, converted a storage room to a special needs change room.
- Wembley Daycare: Refinished floors; tested/inspected and verified fire alarm systems, fire extinguishers, and exit and emergency lights.
- Woking School: Replaced a roofing section.
- Whispering Ridge Community School: Upgraded modular controls, installed boiler blocking valves and flow meter, and created a new second floor classroom.
Policy Review Committee Report
The Policy Review Committee met on February 24 to conduct a review of the following policies. All PWPSD policies are available online.
- Policy EEA – Student Transportation Services: Guidelines and procedures relating to student pick-up were updated for clarity and consistency. An addition to Section 1. a) resulted in updates to corresponding wording found in the newly simplified Exhibit 1, Permission and Waiver Form for landowners.
- Policy HGCG – Off-Site Activities: Updated to reflect recommendations from Administrators.
Become a School Board Trustee
PWPSD invites prospective candidates to submit nomination forms for School Board Trustee positions in nine electoral wards. Forms must be submitted by appointment to Central Office by noon on Nomination Day, Monday, September 20, 2021. Voting coincides with Alberta’s municipal Election Day on Monday, October 18, 2021. Elected Trustees will serve a four-year term. The positions of Board Chair and Vice Chair are elected annually by the PWPSD Board during their Organizational Meeting. The PWPSD Election 2021 webpage provides more information and the nomination forms.