Jen Clevette receives ATA’s Distinguished Leadership Award

Peace Wapiti Public School Division (PWPSD) would like to congratulate Ms. Jen Clevette, Principal of Harry Balfour School, for receiving the Alberta Teachers’ Association’s (ATA) Distinguished Leadership Award.

The Council for School Leadership Distinguished Leadership Award program annually recognizes outstanding principals, assistant principals, and school jurisdiction leaders who have succeeded in providing high quality learning opportunities for students. Recipients are nominated by their peers for the exemplary contributions they have made to the profession; and are chosen based on the selection criteria, which reflects the Alberta Leadership Quality Standard Competencies.

Mrs. Jessica Lavallee, Junior Kindergarten teacher at Harry Balfour School and award nominator, says Ms. Clevette is a very deserving award winner. “I chose to nominate Jen for the Distinguished Leadership Award, because she models the behaviours and practices she wishes to see in our school. The world of teaching continues to change and evolve, and change can be scary and difficult. But when a leader chooses to do what’s proven as the best for children, even when it isn’t familiar, she inspires others to do the same. That’s Jen, she does the hard things.” Mrs. Lavallee adds that Ms. Clevette has shown outstanding leadership during the recent construction of the new Harry Balfour School. “Even while working through a school principal’s responsibilities, the collaboration involved in planning and then building a new school, and the extra work in fundraising for things like playgrounds and other school needs, Jen has maintained her powerful advocacy for inclusive and trauma-informed classrooms.” She says Ms. Clevette has always had transparent conversations about mental health and the supports available to her staff, ensuring that staff are taking time to pause, reflect and avoid burn-out.

Ms. Clevette says she is honoured to receive the award and is looking forward to continuing excellent work with a wonderful team as they welcome students to their new school in the fall.
