2021-2025 Board of Trustees » Election 2025

Election 2025

“School boards make a difference – caring about the needs of children today and for the future; school boards provide important oversight into the education system, ensuring parents’ voices, students’ needs and school community thinking remain at the forefront in our education system.”

– Alberta School Boards' Association
If you are a new candidate, congratulations on making the leap into electoral politics. If you are running for re-election or have run before, congratulations on seeking community representation once again. You are taking the first step in an important democratic process. Our school board is an important decision-making body, and your desire to take part in this process is crucial for its democratic function.

Considering becoming a trustee?

Prospective candidates for the position of school board trustee at Peace Wapiti Public School Division (PWPSD) should carefully review the following information and check this site for additional information as it becomes available.

How to submit nomination forms

Candidates may submit their nomination papers at any time during regular business hours throughout the Nomination Period, January 1 - September 22, 2025, by making an appointment with the Corporate Secretary, Keli Houle by email [email protected] or calling (780) 831-3053.
Candidates may submit their nomination papers at any time between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 12:00 p.m. on Nomination Day, Monday, September 22, 2025 at PWPSD Central Office, 8611A - 108 Street, Grande Prairie, AB.
PWPSD is divided into nine electoral wards or boundaries. Each ward has a school trustee who has been elected by the citizens within the boundaries of that ward.

Nomination Process

Nominations must be filed during the designated nomination period, which began January 1, 2025 and will close on September 22, 2025 at 12:00 p.m.
Candidates must:
  1. Complete the required nomination forms, including Form 4 (Nomination Paper and Candidate's Acceptance), Form 5 (Candidate Financial Information), and Form 29 (Notice of Intent). The forms can be found on the Government of Alberta website, in the Municipal Elections section.
  2. Secure signatures from at least five eligible electors who reside within the school board's jurisdiction.
  3. Submit the forms in person to the Corporate Secretary at the school board office. To make an appointment, please contact Keli Houle, Corporate Secretary, at [email protected] or (780) 831-3053.
  4. Submit a current criminal record check.
A person may be nominated as a candidate if, on nomination day, the person:
  • is eligible to vote in the election*
  • has been a resident of the local jurisdiction and the ward for the six consecutive months immediately preceding nomination day, and;
  • is not otherwise ineligible or disqualified.
*A person is eligible to vote in an election held pursuant to this Act if the person:
  • is at least 18 years old,
  • is a Canadian citizen, and
  • resides in Alberta and the person's place of residence is located in the local jurisdiction on Election Day.
Note: These are general guidelines. Candidates should refer to the Local Authorities Election Act and the Education Act for complete information, available on the Alberta King's Printer website.

Every candidate should review Part 5 - Election Finances and Contributions Disclosure of the Local Authority Election Act (LAEA). Every candidate (including a candidate who withdraws) is required to file a disclosure statement (Form 26 - Campaign Disclosure Statement and Financial Statement) with PWPSD on or before March 1, 2026.


There have been a number of changes made to the Local Authorities Election Act for the upcoming school board election. See the Government of Alberta website Changes to the Local Authorities Election Act 2024 for details on all the changes, and in particular the Campaign Financing document. Alberta Education has also published a fact sheet to help understand these changes, School Board Election Fact Sheet: Changes to the LAEA 2024.


The following Government of Alberta forms cannot be opened using your web browser. Please save the files to your computer by right-clicking the link to the form and select 'save as'. Open the forms using Acrobat Adobe Reader, which you can download fpr free at https://get.adobe.com/reader/.


For step-by-step instructions on how to open these forms visit the Government of Alberta's PDF form help webpage.


Form 4 - Candidates Nomination Information

Form 5 - Candidates Financial Information

Form 26 - Campaign Disclosure Statement and Financial Statement

Form 29 - Notice of Intent

PWPSD board meetings are open to the public. If you wish to attend a board meeting you may do so in-person at our Central Office, 8611A  - 108 Street in Grande Prairie, or remotely via Google Meet. Please contact Kayla Klava, Communications Officer, by 4:00 p.m. on the day prior to the meeting to confirm your attendance, or for connection details: [email protected] or                  (780) 357-5224.

Questions or requests for additional information can be directed to:

Important Dates

January 1, 2025: Nomination period opens

September 22, 2025 at 12:00 p.m.: Nomination period closes

September 23, 2025: Candidates may withdraw their nomination in writing or in-person

October 20, 2025: Election Day