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Critical Element: Intentional Practice


Knowledge, Skills and Aptitudes (KSAs) from Teaching Quality Standard:  

          • a.  Teachers’ application of pedagogical knowledge, skills and attributes is based on their ongoing analysis of contextual variables.
          • b.  Teachers understand the subject disciplines they teach.
          • c.  Teachers know there are many approaches to teaching and learning.
          • d.  Teachers engage in a range of planning activities.
          • e.  Teachers translate curriculum content and objectives into meaningful learning activities.

Professional Focus:

          • Teachers will apply a variety of instructional practices.
          • Teachers understand and communicate outcomes and competencies in subject areas.
          • Teachers will ensure students are exposed to a variety of strategies for knowledge constructions and demonstration of mastery.

Descriptive Statements:

          • The teacher will strategically select instructional methods based on student needs, subject matter and identified outcomes. Instructional methods should include, but are not limited to:
                  • Direct instruction
                  • Project based learning
                  • Inquiry based learning
                  • Peer teaching
                  • Self-directed learning
          • Instructional methods should be flexible and responsive to emerging student needs.
          • A variety of methods will be used by teachers to communicate outcomes and competencies to students and parents.
          • Teachers will engage in both individual and collaborative planning at the school, jurisdiction, and provincial levels. 
Intentional Practice requires teachers to be proficient at applying a variety of instructional methods and strategies to enhance student learning. Teachers will be skilled at synthesizing meaningful lessons and developing flexible approaches to meet emerging student needs. Through communicating specific outcomes to students, teachers will establish the direction and goals for their lessons, allowing students to make connections to current and future goals.