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Critical Element: Purposeful Assessment and Evaluation


Knowledge, Skills and Aptitudes (KSAs) from Teaching Quality Standard:

        • Teachers gather and use information about students’ learning needs and progress.

Professional Focus:

        • Teachers will use a variety of personalized and balanced assessment strategies.
        • Assessments must tie directly to outcomes and competencies identified in curriculum and the Ministerial Order on Student Learning.
        • Teachers will use a variety of evidence to provide reasoned evaluation of student progress.

Descriptive Statements:

        • Both formative and summative assessment will play a critical role in the teacher’s planning and evaluation cycle.
        • Where appropriate, students will be given choice of assessment strategies and varied methods to demonstrate mastery outcomes.
        • The teacher will assess competencies through intentional and ongoing observation.
        • Assessment will be conducted to provide for timely feedback.
        • Teachers will use the results of assessments to inform their practice.
        • Summative/Quantitative assessments address outcomes and competencies as opposed to behavior, effort and attitude.

Purposeful Assessment and Evaluation is an embedded and “seamless part of the learning process.”(1) Quality assessments and evaluations are focused upon the improvement of student learning through feedback, as well as guiding the classroom teacher on the specific direction that instruction should take. Such assessments and evaluations are based on clearly communicated learning outcomes and criteria where students are given multiple and varied opportunities to show successful completion of outcomes.