Miscellaneous » Division Profile » Wellness



  • WellnessPWPSD will provide the school community with an inclusive, safe, and caring learning environment.

  • Students will be supported in their intellectual, emotional, social, and physical well-being. There will be an increase in student wellness functioning and sense of self.

  • Staff will be supported within a wellness culture of care and support, and feel encouraged to make decisions to support their individual wellness.

  • Staff will develop and engage in a high capacity of universal wellness practices.


  • Supporting the PWPSD Wellness teams.

  • Using a coherent approach that addresses the wellness needs of all leaders, teachers, staff, and students within the physical, mental, and social-emotional dimensions of well-being. (Building coherence between the workplace wellness plan and other school authority plans. (e.g. OH&S, human resources, curriculum)).

  • Integrating the comprehensive wellness professional learning please within the school authority's overall professional learning plan. The wellness plan provides for professional learning related to self-case, as well as supporting staff and student wellness.

  • Utilizing universal strategies throughout the division, including mental health literacy for Grade 9 students and all staff, focusing on connections, exercising trauma and behaviour informed practices, sharing mental health tips through our Mental Health Mondays, providing site-based wellness teams at each school, hosting structured collaborative school-based mental health meetings for triage, providing universal programming and psycho-education training, and employing a comprehensive wellness team to support wellness outcomes with specific support and tiering system for students and professionals.

  • Supporting inclusive practices through inclusive education processes, inclusive supports, and transitions for each student with inclusive education needs.

  • Supporting culturally responsive education in classrooms through professional development for truth and reconciliation, and PWPSD's Indigenous Education Services and Indigenous Education Plan.

  • Focusing on operational health and safety, nutrition programs, and healthy living in schools.

  • Providing key system supports through VTRA protocol, suicide risk assessments, and bereavement protocol.

  • Collaborating with school authority, staff, and community partners for joint planning and implementation, and to identify best promising practices.